Privacy Policy

سياسة الخصوصية

The Minimum Society of Humanity always pledges not to share your personal data with other organizations with a view to achieving their marketing purposes, nor do we sell your personal data. We have written a privacy policy to let you know why we are collecting and using your personal data, the circumstances in which we can share your personal data with another organization, and to inform you of your individual rights with regard to your personal data. We commit ourselves to be very frank and honest about why we collect data for and use your personal data, and it will help you to understand and exercise your rights over your personal data. The privacy policy is divided into several sections, as follows for ease of reference: Who are we? Your personal rights with regard to your personal data. Earmarked staff policy Privacy policy for beneficiaries Use of browser log (cookies) The duration of keeping your personal data. Changes in privacy policy How to file a complaint. If there is any inquiry into privacy policy or about information of your own that we keep, please contact our data protection officer: Tel. 05056001134 E-mail: For mail correspondence: functional name: Data Protection Lead Turkey Istanbul Elfatih Akshemuddin Street Akshamuddin Avenue Building 45. Apartment 5 is a third floor.

من نحن The society of the minimum conscience of humanity is an independent, non-governmental, charitable and development humanitarian association dedicated to alleviating poverty and suffering for peoples. Works in Syria and Turkey, regardless of race, sex or religion. Our activities are awareness-raising and fund-raising for the management and operation of emergency and development programmes. Relief, education and health The privacy policy applies to the society of the lowest conscience of humanity in Turkey and Syria, Registered address: The minimum conscience society of humanity. Istanbul Fatih Akshameddin Street turkey Akshameddin Avenue Building 45 Department 5th Floor The society of the minimum conscience of humanity reserves the right to make any changes to that statement at any time. If you would like to know more about the society of the minimum conscience of humanity and our work as an independent humanitarian charity, please access our website. Collection and use of personal data Your personal data is your identification information, like your name, address, e-mail, phone number, credit card number. This information is not available to visitors to the site. We are not asking you to disclose your data unless it is necessary for you to participate in website activities and services, such as e-subscription and e-mail. Any personal data that the volunteer gives to the organization.

Right to withdraw consent: If we ask for your consent to use your personal data, you are always entitled to withdraw this consent at any time you want.
You can expect that any direct marketing material received from us contains clear and easy instructions on how to withdraw your consent. For example, any marketing e-mail we send you will contain a link to cancel the subscription at its end. If you want to stop processing your personal data for any marketing purposes (including mail), please contact our support team: Tel. 05056001134 E-mail:

Functional title: Supporter ' s Relations Group, Minimum Religion Society of Humanity, Right of access (also known as access): You have the right to ask what personal data we keep on you, and you also have the right to request a copy of this information. Right to object and/or restrict treatment: You have the right to know why your personal data is collected and used, and the right to request that this be restricted or suspended. Right to be able to transmit data: You have the right to request the transmission of a copy of your personal data that we keep directly from you to another organization. Right to remove and delete information: You have the right to request the erased personal data we keep on you. Right to correction: If you think your personal data that we keep is inaccurate, you have the right to request that it be corrected and updated. If you wish to exercise any of these rights or want to know more information, please contact the Data Protection Officer. You have the right to expect to receive a confidential and professional service and to receive a satisfactory answer. Tel. 05056001134 E-mail: Functional title: Data Protection Officer, Minimum Society of Humanity, Istanbul Elfatih Akshemuddin Street, Akshemuddin Avenue, 45 apartments, 5 third floors

When do we collect your personal data? When you donate to us... When you sign up for a campaign with us, When you contact us via e-mail, phone, messages, or website, When visiting or using the website (see section on the use of cookies) When you interact with us on social media platforms, Why do we collect and use your personal data? To process your donations and donations of gifts. Keep abreast of our activities and the ways in which we support them. Please note: We will send marketing materials by e-mail, phone, or texting only if you get your approval. You can withdraw your consent at any time. (See your personal data rights section.) We are not sending you marketing material by mail in case you ask us to stop transmitting. To deal with your questions, your requests, your answers to our projects and campaigns. Lets send you confirmation of your donation and registration for effectiveness. To diagnose our services, for example, we may use your personal data that you have provided and your interaction with our services to help us predict your interests so that we can send the marketing materials that we think are more important to you. To improve our services, for example, if we were allowed, we might send you a questionnaire to request your feedback on our services. In any case, we collect personal data from other sources. If we are allowed to send marketing materials to you, we may use sources in the public domain to examine the accuracy and update of your marketing priorities and contact details. Examples of such sources include the Royal Mail Database and the Resource Development Preference System
When we receive significant support or contributions, we may conduct background checks using public sources. We are also conducting background checks in accordance with our due diligence policies and procedures to protect our charitable interests. When do we share your personal data with other organizations? If you use a credit card or discount to make a donation or purchase, we will share your personal data with your payment processing partner. If you agree to send marketing materials to you, we can share your personal data with a marketing company (such as the post office) to help us process and send marketing materials on our behalf. When we receive significant support or donations, we could do background checks.What we do is do background checks in accordance with our due diligence policies and procedures to protect our charitable interests. We contract a limited number of third parties to store data on our behalf, which may include your personal data. The types of third-party we use include cloud storage, hosting a site, and software service providers. In case we are asked by law, your personal data can be shared with data-cleaning companies to ensure that the data we keep on you is accurate and up to date. We share personal data with another organization only if there is a legal basis for doing so. In all the above-mentioned cases, we will ensure that we have a written contract (or valid legal instructions) with the organization containing data protection clauses to ensure that they will not use personal data for their own marketing purposes, and that they have security requirements to protect your personal data.

What is our legal basis for collecting and using personal data? When we get your approval, for example, we will just send an e-mail, make phone calls or send short text messages after you agree. You can withdraw the consent anytime. When, for example, the treatment is necessary for contracting or complying with the terms and conditions of the contract, the treatment of your contribution to us. When the treatment is required by law. For example, to disclose your personal data to the law enforcer if we receive effective legal instructions. When treatment falls within our legal interests. For example, we will send you communication and marketing materials via mail unless you tell us to stop it. Look at your personal data rights. We will rely only on this legal basis if your fundamental interests and rights do not conflict with our own. Privacy policy for our employees. This section includes a privacy policy for the workforce, volunteers, trainees, workers, contractors and contractors (including potential employees) When do we collect your personal data? You apply for a job or you communicate with us about volunteering or developing money for us. Part of the day-to-day management and management of your contract. For example: Tell us any changes to your personal data. Application or notice of leave You finish your evaluation.

Make a formal complaint or express your fears about working with us. As part of the day-to-day management of work-related activities. Why do we collect your personal data and use it? Recruitment and selection of staff To pay salaries, taxes, contributions and retirement expenses. To manage your contact with us. For example, processing exit permits and maintaining appropriate levels of conduct and performance, etc. To meet legal obligations. For example, we can treat your personal data (including sensitive data such as physical and psychological health) to protect your health and safety, to fulfil our equal opportunity obligations, etc. To take appropriate action when you lodge a complaint or express your concerns, including protection. To do background checks in accordance with due diligence policies and procedures. To plan the necessary staffing and coverage levels To keep you informed of our strategy, plans, activities and services and to improve them. For example, we welcome and encourage your feedback, and in some cases we may strive to obtain it. Some employees may be able to access your personal data when requested for work purposes. In this case, the organization relies on all staff to access and use personal data in accordance with their obligations under our data protection policy. When do we share your personal data with other organizations? With law enforcers if we receive information on legal instructions in force With third parties we contracted to manage human resources activities on our behalf, including payroll, retirement, and health/insurance coverage providers. In case she is involved in an insurance claim, we might share your personal data with insurance companies/mediaries. As part of the recruitment and selection phase, we may conduct a background check to investigate your suitability for working with us. We contract only a limited number of third parties to store data on our behalf, and this may include your personal data. The types of third-party we use for cloud storage, site hosting, and software service providers. We share personal data with another organization only if there is a legal basis for doing so. In all the above-mentioned cases, we will ensure that there is a written contract (or valid legal instructions) with the Organization containing data protection clauses to ensure that they do not use personal data for their own marketing purposes, with any security requirements required to protect your personal data. What is the rationale for collecting and using data When the treatment is necessary for contracting or complying with the terms and conditions of the contract. For example, permission to pay your salary, taxes, pension contributions and expenses. When the treatment is required by law. For example, gather medical information about you to protect your health and safety. When treatment is within our legal interests, for example, using your departure details to plan the necessary staffing levels and coverage. We will rely only on this legal basis if your fundamental interests and rights do not conflict with our own. When the treatment serves a fundamental and important interest to you. For example, sharing your personal data with emergency services in case of an emergency. Use of browser log or link identification files (cookies) We use the browser log or the cookies as the rest of most websites. Cookies are little text files stored on your computer when you visit some websites. We use cookies to advance a smooth and effective experiment during the use of our electronic services. For example, we use cookies to allow the donation process, to analyse the use of the site statistically, and to modify the content, external format and services of the site. You can approve or disagree with the use of cookies, for example, you can modify the browser settings to reject cookies if I prefer you. In case you disagree with our use of cookies, that might affect your ability to use the features of our website and sub-scopes like... There is a lot of cookies that we can use on our website and subspaces: Link ID file: We use these cookies to track your online donations in the shopping cart. At the same time, we do not store credit card details in our cookies file. You have to let cookies set up so you can donate us using the site. Google: We may use this common cookies to gather unknown information about how you use the site. That helps us improve your experience, for example, by helping us identify and resolve mistakes, and identifying relevant information that can be presented to you during your browsing. YouTube: We may use this common cookies to gather anonymous information about how you use the site. That helps us improve your experience, for example, by helping us identify and resolve mistakes, and identifying relevant information that can be presented to you during your browsing. Advertisement or target: We can collect cookies about how you use our website and social media sites so we can show you advertising and targeted content in like the Facebook ads.

How long do we keep the personal data? We keep personal data consistent with our data retention policy. The duration of the retention of each category of your personal data depends on why it is collected and in accordance with our legal and contractual requirements, for example, we are required to maintain the register of contributions for at least seven years in compliance with the HMRC rules. For more information on our data retention policy including the duration of personal data retention, please contact the data protection officer. Tel. 05056001134 E-mail:

Functional title: Data Protection Officer, Society of the Underground of Humanity, Turkey, Istanbul Elfatih Akshemuddin Street Akshemuddin Avenue built 45 apartments, 5 matches the third change in privacy policy. Our privacy policy is subject to periodic review, and updates and changes are added to this page. In case there is any major change, we will put an outstanding notice on our website. Last update on privacy policy on January 10, 2023. How do I file a complaint? If you are not satisfied with the way we used your personal data or have privacy concerns, we want to know. To file a complaint or express your concerns, please contact the Data Protection Officer. Tel. 05056001134 E-mail: Functional title: Data Protection Officer, Society of the Underground of Humanity, Turkey, Istanbul Elfatih Akshemuddin Street Akshemuddin Avenue built 45 apartments, 5 matches the third change in privacy policy. You also have the right to file your complaint directly with the Commissioners office, but they may advise you to contact us first to see if the matter can be resolved.